Curug Cijalu "waterfall Cijalu"

Based on the history of the waterfall Cijalu opened since 1 September 1984 the forest located production blocks North Tangkubanperahu Cijengkol RPH, BKPH Wanayasa Cipancar Village Kab Kab Purwakarta and Subang. With an area of 8ha this area is projected as a tourist attraction. Where once before managed a waterfall that was frequently visited by people of Chinese descent. They consider it a bath waterfall of angels, said a village resident who had lived there Cipancar more than sixty years. This belief arises because when the morning sun shine, rainbow-rainbow will appear a small bounce from the waterfall.
Reporting from the site administration Subang regency, described that the waterfall is located in District Cijalu Sagalaherang, located 37 km from the town of Subang to the south (1 hour drive) and about 50 km from Bandung towards the north (1.5 hours drive). Ecotourism is situated at a height of 1:30 m above sea level, the field generally corrugated configuration. This region has rainfall 2700 mm / yr with air temperature 18-26c. As the name suggests, waterfall (waterfall, Bahasa Sunda), only a pair of waterfalls that spill flowing water splitting at the top of Mount Sunda hill, approximately 800 meters above sea level.
Spill water it presents a beautiful panorama of blue sky, cool air, and green trees that blanketed the atmosphere in the tourist district of Subang Regency Sagalaherang. Not to mention the cold splash of a waterfall, cool and white, making the tourists had enough fun to get drenched under it. Curug Cijalu "accompanied by" two sacred tomb and also "accompanied" by another waterfall known as the Women's Waterfall (curug perempuan), located approximately 100 meters before Curug Cijalu.
With access to Wanayasa District (18km), Sagala Herang (20km) and from Subang District (37km) Purwakarta (40km), Bandung (63km) which are known generally paved roads and only a fraction is still a gravel road, can be passed by two-wheeled vehicles and four, the existing public transport motorcycle taxi or rental car (Colt chartered) from Wanayasa.
Ecotourism consists of natural forest and plantation forest, water resources were made available including a spring which is currently utilized for the purposes of visitors. Potential visual landscape in the region of interest are waterfalls, natural forest with the cool air and forest plantations. Where ecotourism is used for daily tours with activities that can be done is to picnics, waterfall shower, cross country and mountain climbing.
==west java indonesia==  


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