Gedung Sate "central government"

Gedung Sate, which in the Dutch East Indies was called Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB), laying the first stone by Johanna Catherina Coops, eldest daughter of the mayor of Bandung, B. Coops and Petronella Roelofsen, representing the Governor-General in Batavia, JP Graaf van Limburg Stirum on July 27, 1920, is the result of a planning team consisting of Ir.J.Gerber, a young architect famous graduates of the Faculty of Engineering Nederland Delft, Ir. Eh. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks and van Gemeente Bandoeng party, headed by Col.. Ret. VL. Slors by involving 2000 workers, 150 people including sculptors, or expert bongpay tombstone carver and wood carver of Chinese nationality who came from Konghu or Cantonese, assisted by masons, coolies and servants stir coming from residents Kampung Sekeloa, Kampung Coblong Dago, Kampung Gandok and Kampung Cibarengkok, previously they worked Gedong Sirap (Kampus ITB) and Gedong Papak (Bandung City Hall).

Comparing Gedung Sate with central government buildings (capitol building) in many capitals does not seem excessive. The equation is all built in the middle of a green complex with a magnificent central tower. Especially in terms of location of buildings and landscape sate relatively similar to the White House in Washington, DC, USA. It could be argued Gedung Sate is the "White House" her city .Bandung"

Gedung Sate,  is a neo-classical building mixed with native elements that now serves as the governor's office of the West Java province in Indonesia. Located in Bandung, the building was designed by a Dutch  architect J. Gerber. has long been a marker or landmark Bandung, which is not only known to the public in West Java, but also all over Indonesia and even model building was used as a sign to some buildings and signs in the city of West Java. For example, the building forms the front of the Railway Station Tasikmalaya. Built in 1920, this white building is still standing strong but graceful.


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