Candi Cangkuang

Cangkuang Temple is a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, Cangkuang region, Leles subdistrict, Garut, West Java. The temple is also the first time found in Tatar Sunda and is the only Hindu temple in Tatar Sunda.
This temple was first discovered in 1966 by a team of researchers based Harsoyo and Uka Candrasasmita Vorderman report (published in 1893) about the existence of a broken statue and the tomb of Mohammed Arif on Leles ancestors. In addition to finding the ruins of the temple, there are also pieces of knives and large rocks that are thought to be relics of megalithic era. Subsequent research (1967 and 1968) managed to dig up the tomb building.
Although it was almost certain that this temple is a Hindu religious heritage (roughly the 8th century AD, an era with the temples on the site and Cibuaya Batujaya?), Which surprisingly is the Islamic cemetery beside it.
Cangkuang Temple located in a small island whose shape extends from west to east with an area of 16.5 ha. This small island located in the middle of the lake Cangkuang.


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